Thursday, 24 November 2011


After watching our footage and putting a lot of it together we noticed that some of the shots didnt work in sequence with the rest of the shots or just werent very good so we are going to reshoot these shots and also film the final shots we need to complete our video.

We have scheduled to reshoot on Saturday the 3rd of December when we will hopefully capture the rest of the shots needed and succesfully reshoot the bad shots.

Shots to reshoot

We are going to reshoot these two shots as they just dont look realistic. Unfortunately the main character in our video cant play the guitar so when he had to in our video he didnt know what he was doing so it just didnt look real and spoilt the effect of performance in the video. When we reshoot, Karim will be acting as our main character because he can play the guitar and as he will be wearing a mask you wont be able to tell that it is a different person.

We are also reshooting these three clips for a couple of reasons, one being they were just a bit shaky and didnt look very professional at all. They were also quite boring and they didnt flow together at all so were going to go for more interesting shots, something that will keep the viewer interested.

Falling to sleep effect

At the beginning of our video we wanted to make it look like our actor was falling asleep while watching a film, luckily there is an effect which allowed us to do this. Here is how we did it.

We opened up the Matrox effects folder and from there chose the effect 'soft focus' and dragged it on to the clip we wanted to use it on.

In the 'soft focus' effect was various different types of this effect and we chose the one named 'in and out of focus'. This effect made the image blur a little and then come back it to focus and it gave the impression our actor was falling asleep as it was used on a POV shot of him watching a film.

Wolf clone

We wanted to make it so we had the same person it the same shot multiple times in order to do so we had to keep the camera completely still and keep it recording while our actor stood in the various places that we wanted him to appear in in the shot. Once we had to the footage this is how we achieved it. 

Click on the effects tab, open up video effects and then open up the separate Matrox folder.


Once in the Matrox folder select 'Matrox advanced DVE's'.

We then dragged 'Matrox advanced DVE's' on to the clip we wanted, clicked on effect controls then open up the crop tab, from this were able to crop each shot so we were able to see the separate wolves but for this to week we had to drag each shot of the wolf on top each other and crop each one.

Rotating the horizon

 On one of the shots we filmed where Euan was running over the hill, the horizon of the hill was tilted and it didnt look right, so using the editing software we were able to tilt the horizon and make it straight. Below are the step by step screenshots of how we tilted the horizon.

 1) In this shot we can see the horizon is tilted.

2) Here, we clicked on the shot which brings up the box around it which allows you to drag it or make it bigger or smaller.

3) Here we have pulled the shot down slightly, this allows you to hover the mouse above the middle square on the top of the box, this allows you to rotate the shot.
 4) Here we have rotated the shot to make the horizon look straight.
5) And here we have pulled the shot back up to fit properly in the screen.

Reverse clip

As our music video is meant to be a dream, at the end of the video, just before our main character wakes up we wanted the whole video to go really fast in reverse to act as if he is dream is all going backwards. Below are screen shots of the steps we took to acheive the reverse clip. 

1) First of all we had to highlight all of the footage on the timeline that we wanted to put in reverse.
2) Once we had highlighted all the footage we wanted, we had to put it all on to a seperate sequence.
 3) Once the footage was in its own seperate sequence we had to export it and then important it again as a seperate video.
4) We then dragegd the video on to the timeline and placed it where we wanted it.
5) To then speed it up and put it in reverse we had to right click on the clip we wanted and select 'speed/duration'.
6) Finally, we had to tick the 'reverse speed' box to put it in reverse and change the speed in the top box.

Jump cuts

For two sections of our music video we have used jump cuts. The first section is were euan is riding down the hill, without the edits it was a really long shot so we decided to use jump cuts to make it not only shorter but a lot more visually intresting. The first screenshot shows the clips on the timeline and you are able to see where the edits are in the clip. We cut certain bits of the clip out so euan rides so far down the hill then jumps a little further down. We also used jump cuts on another really long shot were we can see the owl in the trees at the top of the hill and the camera then zooms out so we just did the same thing and cut certain bits of the clip out, this is shown in the second screenshot.

Matrox video effects

Without an effect on our video it didnt look very proffesional as such and looked quite plain and boring so we started to play around with a few of the effects on the editing software to see if we could make it look beter. The effect we finaly chose was the matrox colourization, with this we could play around with and change the colour of the shot. The screenshots below show the steps we took to get to the video effects. In the end we chose a sepia tone as it gives the video a really warm feel and also gives it a slight vintage look.   


This is a screenshot of the transition we have used a lot during the editing of our music video, the one high lighted red is the one we used, the cross disolve. We chose to use the cross disolve as it gives the edit a smooth flow and doesnt make it look os abrubt and sharp. As the transition makes the edit smooth and flow nicely it also fits with the the genre conventions

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Filming update

Overall our day of filming went really well, we got the majority of the shots we needed, we got the most important shots first, the classic folk mis en scene shots and icongraphic shots. unfortunately the battery on the camera did run out but we are going back to film the rest and re shoot some shots that didnt work so well.

Pictures from day of filming

Monday, 21 November 2011

Health and safety

This is a health and safety table we made to asses the risks us as the camera men or our actor might face. The main risks were for the actor as he was the riding a bike and could of faced a number of health and safety risks, which are stated in the table, we have also said how we would control them risks.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Lyric analysis


Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely, now that there's nowhere to go.
Watching from both sides, these clock towers burning up,
I lost my time here, i lost my patience with it all.

We lost faith, in the arms of love.

Where you been hiding lately, where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately, we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely, now that there's nowhere to go.
Watching from both sides, these towers been tumbling down,
I lost my mind here, I lost my patience with the lord.

We lost faith, oh in the arms of love

Where you been hiding lately, where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately, we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

We lost faith, in the arms of love.

Shooting schedule

We scheduled to film most of the music video on Friday 28th and Saturday the 29th. We have booked a camera for the weekend and will take a digital camera to document our recordings and findings. We have checked the weather for the weekend and it seems promising, hopefully we can get sunny weather and not get stopped by the rain. We need the sun as we want the sun to bring out the valleys, lakes and forest areas. We are planning to leave Hull and travel to Hutton cranswick which os where our main character lives and which is near Millington woods, our chosen location. We are going to go through the storyboards on Friday night and plan what shots we need and in which order. On the Saturday we plan on leaving early for Millington woods just to make sure we make the most of the day. We will need the full day as we want to get as many shots as possible and make the most of the location and sunlight.


In our music video there will be only one character, the artist. We have chosen to use our close friend Euan for this role as we know he is reliable and is more then willing to help us and also has an interest in the genre of our music video and dresses conventionally of the genre so we wont have to completely change his look which is easier for this, because of this we think he is the perfect man for the job. He also lives close to Millington wood which is convenient for him.


For our music video, we have chosen to shoot the majority of it at Millington woods, near Driffield. We have chosen to film it here as it is a very natural looking area, not only with the woodland but with large valleys and fields, which fit in with the conventions of folk music. We have filmed here before and we was happy with the finised product then so we are sure it will work perfectly now, and as we have been before we also know what we will be working with which will help us a great deal.