Thursday, 3 November 2011

New idea

After sitting down and disscussing our video we decided we would change the location and the change a few ideas within the video.

We decided not to do the video in reverse like origninally planned after seeing the Coldplay video and stick to conventional folk ideas. We also changed our location to Millington Woods as it is definitely more conventional and it would definitely look better with the woodland and the big open fields and valleys. It would also allow us to be more creative and allow us to get a lot better camera shots and cinematography instead of just filming down a street. We decided we would also include and animal mask in our video to give it that abstact/surreal feel to it.

Now, instead of the narrative being about the main character losing his girlfriend, it is now about him in his dream trying to find a mysterious owl, which represents his problems. This again gives the video an abstract/surreal feel to it.

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